would like to extend an invitation to all interested area artists to our 6th Annual Exhibition and Sale to be held at the White Rock Community Centre, Sept.1 to 30.
would like to extend an invitation to all interested area artists to our 6th Annual Exhibition and Sale to be held at the White Rock Community Centre, Sept.1 to 30.
The fibre focus this year will be wood. Wood “canvases” in 8x8” , 10x10” or 12X12” square, to be used in a point/diamond manner, as opposed to the usual horizontal placement.
Maximum 2 works (any of three sizes required) per artist. (“First come,
first serve”)
* In the event an artist is unable to participate, the artist is responsible of advising
* In the event an artist is unable to participate, the artist is responsible of advising
OTB immediately; this will be a much appreciated opportunity for
another artist.
Works will be priced $150.00 - $200.00 and $250.00 respectively. Please execute
works accordingly in highly creative mixed media. Keeping excellence in mind as
each piece is potentially a unique and precious accent one on someone’s wall.
Time to really think/step “outside the box”!
Time to really think/step “outside the box”!
OTB reserves the right to refuse any work that is not complying with the call
rules and/or maintains a common values standard. (No violence, obscenity/
pornography, etc...)
4. Registration a): Register by e-mail at studiogaleria@gmail.com by May 30, 2016.
4. Registration a): Register by e-mail at studiogaleria@gmail.com by May 30, 2016.
Registration b): There is NO Registration Fee. However OTB would appreciate
participants engaging in sharing/promoting our FB and web pages as well as
cont. ....
5. By Aug. 15 all participants must provide photos (JPG ONLY, please). One, of
completed work, and another of “detail” in preparation for posting on line as we
will promoting the page prior and during the Festival. Including e-mail address
and website.
At this time each artist must include information pertinent to their work (s)
adding a contact tel. number.
* Works not submitted on time with ALL required information, will NOT be
* Works not submitted on time with ALL required information, will NOT be
EACH work must clearly state on its back: Name of Artist, Title and size.
ALSO, MUST include Contact Information, as everyone is directly responsible
for the sale of their work.
* Neither OTB nor WRCC Staff will engage in any sales transaction.
* Neither OTB nor WRCC Staff will engage in any sales transaction.
Drop off Date: Saturday, Aug 27 at the WRCC ( 15154 Russell Ave. Uptown WR)
Between 9:00AM and 1:00PM
8: Pick Up Date: Saturday, October 1, 9:00AM - 1:00PM