Images of all posts can be located by clicking on "older posts"... while they are still a large portion of the the event in our various venues - all of which are featured. Thank you!
All contents ©

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Soli Deo Gloria was a huge success!

We would like to welcome this wonderful 
White Rock Community Church's bi-annual  event (in its end of summer date) to our Outside the Box Festival... Part of the larger annual WR Festival of the Arts - Sept./Oct.
Thanking them all for their participation and in particular its organizer, Tennyson Vaughn.

It was an evening full of delightful art, photography, music and poetry!

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Don Dutkowski

Photo: Alicia M B Ballard

Photo: Alicia M B Ballard

Photo: Alicia M B Ballard

Photo: Alicia M B Ballard

Photo: Alicia M B Ballard

Photo: Alicia M B Ballard

Photo: Alicia M B Ballard

Tennyson Vaughn. Photo: Alicia M B Ballard

Photo: Alicia M B Ballard

Photo: Alicia M B Ballard

Photo: Alicia M B Ballard

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Ready for the wee-ones "Fibre gone Wild" at the WR Library

Today 3:30-4:30PM..... looking forward to some simple fun!
We will see which ones become the favourites...


TUESDAY - SEPT. 22 : "FIBRE GONE WILD" Children's Workshop @ WR Library (pre-registration required) 3:30 - 4:30PM
FRIDAY - SEPT. 25, SOLI DEO GLORIA, AN ART EXHIBITION. A One Night Event @ White Rock Community Church
6"30 - 9:00PM : A celebration of painting, music, writings, photography, videos... and deserts!

WEDNESDAY - SEPT. 30 CLOSING EVENT: “SHOW & TELL” Every treasure has a story or a history.Our community at large is invited to participate in sharing fibre items they cherish and along with the telling of the story or history of it. 7:00PM White Rock Recreation Centre. "Room C"
Come at 6:45 to display your piece